Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You Can Never Have Too Many Candles!

So I mentioned in my last post that I might have a slight shoe obsession (if you haven’t read that post, check it out here!). Well I have another obsession to confess… I am addicted to candles.

You may think I’m joking when I said you can never have too many candles, but I’m not. There is no such thing!

I’ve decided to share my current candle collection and name a few of my favorites. I just want to be clear… I had no intention of “collecting” candles but I’ve bought so many that it sort of turned into one.

With all judgments aside, take a look at my current collection of candles:

To be exact, I currently have 35 candles that I’m in the process of burning. In my defense though about a third of them are rather small. Also in my defense, I received about half of them as gifts; every year my mom buys me a few candles for Christmas because she knows how much I love them.

It’s obvious from the picture that I prefer Bath & Body Work and Yankee Candles. Both offer great quality candles; they both burn nice and last a while.  So I decided to share my top 3 favorite candles, as well as a description as to what each candle smells like.

#1: Bath & Body Works- Pumpkin Carmel Latte

“Warm, rich blend of creamy pumpkin, spiced caramel and sweet cream.”

This candle has replaced my longtime favorite candle. Seriously I cannot describe how amazing this candle smells. Even though it is a fall scent, I will burn it all year long. It’s that good!

#2: Yankee Candle- Tahitian Tiare Flower

“Reminiscent of sweet gardenias . . . love blooms in the hypnotic fragrance of this snowy white flower.”

This was my favorite candle scent for years but they discontinued it for a couple years so I had to hunt for a new favorite scent (which is when this candle obsession started). However, a couple years ago around Christmas time they brought it back, (which I wasn’t aware off). So my mom and brother bought me a total of five of the large jars for Christmas since they spend the last few years hearing me complain about it being discontinued.  I believe they still sell it, but I should probably stock up in case Yankee Candle decides to break my heart again.

#3: Bath & Body Works- Coconut Leaves

“Fusion of juicy tangerine, papaya and jasmine that gives way to soothing coconut and vanilla notes.”

This is a newer scent to me but I’m really enjoying it, especially since the weather has decided to finally warm up. Honestly, I don’t smell much of anything in the description other than coconut. To me this is a signature summer scent, that I am going to enjoy all summer long… or until the candle burns out.

Let me know what your favorite candles are in the comments! I am always on the hunt for a great smelling candle.


  1. Margo, a girl after my own heart! I also love candles. I bet your #1 with the pumpkin scent is awesome. I gravitate toward earthy scents. A current favorite of mine is an Asian Ginger & Apple scent. Have you ever checked out the candles at TJ Maxx? I am a huge fan of that store in general, but if you hit it on the right day, I have found some awesome high end candles there. I love that store-it's like you're on a treasure hunt - never know what you'll find! Enjoyed your post :)

    1. Linda, I have not checked out the candles at TJ Maxx but I will now! I love TJ Maxx and go there quite often but I don't venture out to far from the purses, shoes, and clothes. Thanks for the information and comment!

  2. Margo,
    I love candles as well! I don't have as many as you do, but one of my favorites is Fresh Baked Cookie from White Barn Candle Co. It smells just like cake batter ice cream from Cold Stone!
    It is funny when items turn into "collections" without even realizing it~ I started "collecting" perfumes after receiving some many as gifts as well as buying my own, after a couple years I had so many I started saying "yeah, I collect perfume"! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Amanda, I love Fresh Baked Cookie! Honestly, I could have named my "top 50" favorite candles but I had to narrow it down, which was tough. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this post!

  3. I just bought a vanilla lime from Yankee Candle!

  4. I haven't seen (or rather smelled) that one... frankly I've been trying to steer clear of candles since I have so many but when I am in the market for some new ones I will keep that in mind because I love pretty much anything that resembles vanilla.

  5. The pumpkin carmel latte smells amazing. I hope they come out again this fall. Have you been there recently, they have some new scents.

    1. They have new scents out?!?! Oh man I've been trying to steer clear of Bath & Body Works because I have too many candles as it is... Maybe just a peak won't hurt! haha
